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Roses Color Meanings

This is your quick reference to roses!

Did you know... every kind of roses have their own special secret meanings.

There is a reason why boys send beautiful roses to pretty girls since the beginning of the time.

Here are the legendary meaning of roses.

Red Roses

The color meaning of Red Roses

Love, Respect, Courage & Passion

White Roses

The color meaning of White Roses

Purity, secrecy,charm, heavenly and the innocence

Pink Roses

The color meaning of Pink Roses

Happiness, sweetness, gracefulness and gentleness

Yellow Roses

The color meaning of Yellow Roses

Joy, caring, welcoming and friendship

Orange Roses

The color meaning of Champagne Roses

Gratitude, Appreciation, Sincerity and Modesty

Purple Roses

The color meaning of Purple Roses

"Love at first sight"

Orange Roses

The color meaning of Orange Roses

Enthusiasm, desire and fascination
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