件貨品 歡迎光臨 花香港花店 · 我們每天為您準備新鮮歐式風格之花束


Congratulations on receiving your African Violet gift from your dearest!

First thing first, please remove the packaging carefully and put the African Violet at a safe spot .

African Violet

Here are some tips on keeping your African Violet to the best shape:

  1. Light: moderate to bright, indirect, indoor light.
  2. Watering: keep soil moist to dry and allow soil around the roots to dry out before watering to encourage blooming. Water from the bottom with room temperature water by placing the plastic grower's pot in water, allowing the plant to absorb the water (not more than 30 minutes).
  3. Avoid getting water on the leaves as this can cause spotting damages. For best results, please use the violet plant food as directed.




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