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Lechuza Planter Care Instructions

How to water and care

Watering your Lechuza self watering pot is very important as your item .

Your Lechuza plant has a water reservoir at the bottom for water storage for a prolonged period.

Please add water in your Lechuza pot. You can check the water level with the water indicator, and if it "floats" between "Min" and "Max" are okay. Anywhere else is not good.

Water the plants onto the top of soil during the first weeks, until the roots have grown into the water reservoir. You can check the soil in the pot and the LECHUZA-PON substrate to see if it is moist.


For use indoors, the red drain plug at the bottom of the planter must be fastened hand-tight.

Before using your planter for the first time, check that the plug fits securely.


For use outdoors, remove the drain .

Before using your planter for the first time, check that the plug fits securely.




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